Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Letter to a Role Model: Mike Feaga the 33 Year Old (or) Happy Birthday,Husband! (or) 10 Reasons Why I Love You

Tomorrow is Mike's 33th birthday! My love, my soul mate, my ginger. To celebrate, I will honor him on social media, the only true way to express love to your spouse.

Dear Michael,

Happy birthday! I am so grateful for you in my life. You constantly challenge me to be a better, cooler, more productive and giving human being. This challenge stems mainly from trying to keep up with how great, cool, productive, and giving YOU are. Since you love lists so much (This shirt is NOOOT black) here are ten reasons, in no order of importance, why you should have a happy birthday.

1. You're an amazing daddy. Yesterday when I was fixing dinner and was telling the kids to "stop bickering and just be nice to each other" (super effective.) you swooped in and took them outside to plant seeds and distract them from fighting. You always know how to switch gears when the tension is high and I can't get myself in the right state of mind.

2. Sexiest. Redhead. Alive.

3. You somehow manage to avoid the grips of social media with your iron will and headstrong opposition to it, and encourage me to do the same. Maybe someday you'll succeed.

4. You are the cutest farmer in all the land. This is just the latest example of your desire for lifelong learning, and it is such a pleasure to watch you work the soil and discover new things with child-like wonder and amazement.

5. You always read non-fiction. Somehow 10 hours a day at an engineering job isn't enough exercise for your smart, smart brain. Because "I like to break a mental sweat, too." This past year you read ONE fiction book. My challenge to you in your 33rd year is to read TWO fiction books. Can you do it??

6. You know how to make me feel beautiful even when I am a huge pregnant whale. MAJOR HUSBAND WIN!

7. You have single-handedly taught me how to budget, how to love a budget, and even how to make budgeting fun.

8. Our joint desire for "the simple life" -  your awareness and help in protecting our precious time from too many activities, social commitments, and too much travel.

9. You are able to set the tone for our whole household with your strong, quiet, hardworking nature. Weekends spent working in the garage and in the garden are relaxing yet productive, challenging yet fun, simple yet complex. You show us (your whole family) by your example what it is to truly live this life humbly and beautifully.

10. I love dreaming with you. The current dream of owning a winery/brewery is such an exciting and cool prospect! I love how you are dreamy but practical at the same time. You're simply the best.

Happiest Jesus birthday to the love of my life. God grant you many more years!

xoxo Philo