Monday, April 29, 2013

Working on Wellness: Sleep

We covet sleep in our house a little more highly than others do. My wonderful (full-grown, adult) husband takes naps on a regular basis. Zoe, as a toddler, sleeps about 11 hours at night plus a daily 2-hr nap. I trail these two with my dinky 8 hours (Also, confession- sometimes I close my door at work and take a 15 minute snooze. But I'm pregnant so it's ok)

It's well known that sleep is necessary and imperative for well-being. Even though we all know, we need to be reminded of the benefits and guidelines every once in a while! Most adults need 7-9 hours a night.  Both of the adults in our house are on the 8-9 hr end of the spectrum... but of course, everyone is different!  Just do what's right for you.

One interesting thing I've learned in doing some research is that experts don't actually know the exact reason we need sleep. Kind of funny.  Anyway, some of the things you accomplish by getting enough shut-eye:

- Decreased chance of being obese (which leads to a host of other health problems)
- Low levels of stress hormones
- Improved mood- SMILE!
- Better looking skin (resulting from better O2 circulation) - you know when people tell you "you look tired," that means "you look terrible"
- during REM sleep your brain is processing and organizing all of the sights, sounds, and thoughts from the day. This is why babies need so much sleep; everything is so new to them, they need a lot of sleep to organize all that input!  For adults, we are able to better face the stresses and difficult daily problems after some shut-eye.

Of course, there are so many reasons not to get enough sleep! The laundry needs to be done, it's time to party, you need to finish the book you're reading, Downton Abbey is on tv... But try and remind yourself of the balance you are trying to achieve in your life. Sleep is an integral part to this balance. Stop, take some big cleansing breaths, and relax.

Take a cue from me, and sleep whenever/wherever you have a chance (as chronicled by my sweet, charming hubs.... thanks...hanks, my love.):

1 comment:

  1. The pics are hysterical! Good blog Phae!! You are quite a creative writer.
