Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Frugal Houston Fun: the Discovery Green

Tiny baby Zoe and dad enjoying a bonding moment at a DG picnic
Our family is so lucky to live in the 4th largest city in the U.S. of A. There are so many amazing places to see, and a lot of them cost little to no money! Going to these places is totally aligned with one our family's values- you don't have to spend money in order to have a good time!

We love to spend a sunny Saturday at the Discovery Green. (Or if you ask Zoe, the "Na-na-na-na Gween")  It's like an oasis in the middle of downtown Houston.  They have a lake with kayaking, an outdoor stage, two large water playing areas, a big playground, several different flat field areas, and boccie courts.  They also have free yoga and Zumba classes a few times during the week (still need to try these out...anyone want to go with me?), will have free movie showings, and many other awesome FREE events!

We take Zoe to the splash pad ("splash iPad" as our technology-savvy toddler calls it) around lunch time.  We will either pack a picnic from home, or we will hit up Phoenicia, the delicious Mediterranean market just a block away from the Green.  When I'm not pregnant we may be known to pack a thermos of adult beverage although technically "it's not allowed."  We'll have some lunch on the grass, then let Zoe go wild in the fountains.
Z and YaYa exploring the "splash iPad" last year
There are so many beautiful parks in Houston, including the Green.  The crazy part is that they are almost never crowded!!  Where is everyone?  Don't they know how great it is to spend the afternoon outdoors enjoying the abundant sunshine, green grass, delicious food, and the company of your family? FOR FREE?! Get with the program, people!!

An added bonus to a little kid playing in the sun and water is that it knocks her out:
an excuse to post this super-cute picture of 4-month-old Zoe after a day at the pool
That means a little extra alone time for mom and dad (wink wink)...

GO! Get your butt outside and explore your city's parks!
xoxo Phae


  1. Ahhh! Love discovery green and especially love The Grove. Yummm

    1. Yum! We did the Grove for New Years Eve and it was delicious, then went out to the FREE concert and fireworks on the Green :)

  2. WHEN we finally get to Houston, it would only be appropriate to visit 'na-na-na-na green' together.
    xoxo, Nana
