Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Letter to a Role Model: Patty Papas

In typical fashion, I am not on time for this post, as it would have been appropriate to post on Mother's Day. So, oops. No excuses, just humanity at its finest (or most mediocre?)
Patricia Papas cruisin' around Galveston, TX
Patty Papas is my MOMMY!

Here is a list of attributes that I admire about my mom, and things I try to emulate:

1. She started the married-name-alliteration trend. (Patty Nemanic --> Patty Papas) So hot right now. (Phae Papas --> Phae Feaga and also my college roomie/soul mate Dessie Xenakis --> Dessie Dobbins)

....but seriously, though:
2. She's never afraid to try new things and continuously challenge herself.  She ran her first full marathon at age 50! "Can't teach an old dog new tricks" is definitely not in her vocab. (Not that she's old!!)
Mom and Dad after the 2013 Austin half
3. She is probably the most patient woman I've ever met. I don't think I knew this until I was a parent of a toddler and realized she RARELY lost her temper with my siblings and I, even when we were being totally obnoxious.  She takes care of Zoe, and I think this go-round she's even MORE patient (if that's possible.)

4. She makes life-long health a priority.  She's a labor &delivery nurse, so her schedule is never in a set routine.  Sometimes she runs at 5 am before her 12-hr shift, sometimes she'll consider playing with Zoe and walking to the park her workout for the day, sometimes she does a workout video at 11 am on her day off.  Regardless of when or where her exercise happens during the day (or when it doesn't), she's happy to fit it in.

5. She puts the needs of others before her own in a Christ-like way.  She's always taking care of others despite the fact that she hasn't eaten, slept, or peed for 13 hours.  One particular example that is on my mind lately: she stayed home with my siblings and I when we were little (until the youngest was 5 and off to kindergarten), putting her nursing career on hold in order to care for us, be present in our lives, teach us, and LOVE US like only a Mama can.  This is particularly relevant in my life right now since I'm on the brink of this decision myself.

6. She is super easy-going.  She's always up for anything, no matter what the activity.  If it's not her favorite, no big deal.  She's happy to be spending time with people she loves

7. She's an artist's muse.
Patty the mermaid
8. She knows how to french braid.
Mom, me, Reney, & Zoe sporting Mom's handiwork
9. My dad's the cook of the family, and my mom is the baker!  She bakes the best pastries, fresh home-made wheat breads, and blueberry muffins.  And she's generous enough to pass along the skillz! 
Teaching Zoe how to bake her divine oatmeal cookies

10.  She knows how to unwind and relax!  Stress management is such an important aspect of health.  It's not often discussed (maybe I should do another post about this) - but it is definitely a pillar in the balance of overall health.  Patty P. can unwind with the best of 'em, with or without alcohol (I don't want to imply that alcohol is necessary to relax) - - but especially with some red wine or tequila.  Next time you see her, bring her a sample of either of those and you will definitely win her favor... :)

At Noah's wedding
I love you Mama...
xoxo Phae


  1. and the best Godmother too!! :)

  2. So honored, and of course shedding a tear....:) I must say, though, having awesome kids ( and Godkids )makes my job a little easier. Love all y'all!

  3. Love you Patty P!!


    Dessie D :)
